Monday, July 11, 2011


Mike vs. Sandi

Shannon had to be at work the other day, so it was up to me to take Addison and Mason to the doctor for their two-month and fifteen-month respective checkups. I felt confident in the challenge, but Shannon sent her mom with me for back-up.

We arrived on time (a feat for us both) and got the kids to the waiting area. After a short wait, we were escorted back to a 4' x 6' room with little circulation. After we stripped the kids, a nurse came in for some "information". It was at this point that I felt like I was on a game show against Sandi. Who could answer the questions faster?

Round 1 was fairly simple: Does Mason point at things? Is Addison holding her head up? How many days a week in daycare? The questions came rapid-fire but I think the score was tied in the end.

Round 2 was a little more difficult. I started sweating a little. The 4 by 6 was starting to feel smaller. Sandi was knocking out answers while I struggled to keep up: How many wet diapers per day? How many poopie diapers? How many ounces of formula does she eat, minus what she spits up? I made up some ground at the end, but I was pretty sure Sandi was ahead.

Final Jeopardy was downright impossible. The air had been completely turned off by this point. Sandi had purposely made me hold the big kid, which was like wrestling a bag of cats. Sweat rings were beginning to show through my shirt: How many words does Mason know? How many hours does Addison sleep at night? What's the square root of 289? What's the capital of Luxembourg? If a train is traveling west at 25 miles per hour...

No winner was officially declared that day, but we were released from our little inquisition with two happy and healthy kids. I guess we all win.

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