Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Schizophrenic Pooch!!!

Chili is a 7- pound chihuahua that belongs to a woman that Shannon works (Chris). Chris is out of town right now, so Shannon volunteered to dog-sit for her (because there aren't enough animals at her house already). Shannon had to work late Monday night, so I got duped into driving over to let Chili out. Well, Chili doesn't exactly trust strangers. And don't let the 7 pounds fool you (he seems to think that he is a pit bull). Chili snapped and growled at me for about an hour before Shannon made it home. All of a sudden, Cujo vanished and this nice little doggie appeared. Next time, I'll try to get Cujo on film, because Chili looks entirely too playful in these photos. Maybe I should take a picture of my hand where he bit me for the deposition, too!

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