Thursday, November 26, 2009


I Will Never Move Again!!!

Shan and I have been looking at a neighborhood in Acworth for about 3 years. When a model home became available, we decided to put our house on the market just to see if we could get a nibble.

Four days. That's how long it took for our house to sell, or at least get an offer. Needless to say, we weren't even close to being prepared for a move. Too bad! Once this ball got rolling, there was no stopping it.

"New roof, new gutters and drains, replace some siding, replace all smoke detectors (thanks Al), and throw in your flat panel TV". These were the conditions of the sale. It didn't sound too bad, did it? "Oh yeah, you have 10 days to get it all done". Awesome...

Phase II - Paperwork. Somewhere in the world, there is a small forest that has been wiped out in order to print all of the documents we signed over the past 45 days. My hand had cramped to the point that I couldn't ever recognize my own signature.

After all of the I's were dotted and T's were crossed, it was finally time to close. Closing day was set for Friday, November 20th. We would move over the weekend and be ready for Thanksgiving at our house. On Wednesday the 18th, we find out that there is a snag with the buyers' financing (gulp). On Thursday the 19th, I'm told that this whole deal might not happen (double gulp). On Friday the 20th, I hear we might be back on again for Monday the 23rd. On Monday, the paperwork goes back to underwriting, but they are still missing a few forms. Closing is now tentatively pushed to Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday (while at lunch with Shannon, who is on a need-to-know basis at this point) I discover that both closings will be that afternoon at 5:00 PM. Finally! I scheduled the movers (yet again) to show up Wednesday morning, the 25th.

At this point, Shan and I think we have finally reached the finish line. Of course not... While at closing, my agent asks the buyer where his wife is. He responds "She's packing the truck". I think, "That's odd. Why is she packing the truck in the dark?"

Turns out, their agent (aka Bonehead) had told them that we had moved on the original closing date. In their mind, the house was empty and ready. Our agent tries to explain the situation to them, but they claim that they only have their rental truck until 7 AM. The solution? Let them move all of their stuff into our garage. Seriously?

Problem #1 - Our garage is full. Chairs, boxes, treadmill, bikes, shelving units, yard tools, Christmas tree, etc. Solution #1 - The Hearns. They had everything packed back into the house before we even made it home. The are hereby Sainted.

Problem #2 - This kid had rented the world's smallest U-Haul. It would have taken him 17 trips to get his stuff moved. Solution #2 - "I'll give you 20 bucks to just go away. Come back tomorrow. Let us move out, then you can move in."

November 25th - Moving day. After a very long 45 days, we are in our new house. Thanksgiving will be even more special to us this year.

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