Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thanksgiving = Tryptophan = Sleepy

OK. Stay with me here, and I will explain why you are always ready for a nap after pigging out every Thanksgiving. Tryptophan (found in turkey) produces niacin, which produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that exerts a calming effect and regulates sleep. Then you have your fats, which take a lot of energy to digest, so the body will redirect blood to your digestive system to tackle the job, which results in less energy. Now lets talk about the vino (a nervous system depressant). Enough said! Add in the over-eating factor (we all do it, so shut up), and the NASCAR and/or NFL, and you don't stand a chance. Just like every Thanksgiving, I ate plenty of turkey and plenty of carbs and fats, I consumed some wine, I overate, played at the park with the neices and nephew, and watched some NFL football. This picture shows the results. Mike

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