Friday, July 01, 2005


Some Traditions just Suck!

Everyone in the Outback Family knows that it is going to happen. You can try your hardest to avoid it. You can plan. You can scheme. You can lie. You can even threaten. The fact of the matter is... you are screwed if you leave an Outback, especially if they don't want you to leave. This is my 10th Outback location to work in, so I've gotten really good at planning and scheming, and I can lie with the best of them. But even the most heartfelt of threats wasn't enough to prevent the doom that would occur at the end of my last day in Opelika, AL. I'm not sure what all was in the concoction that they poured on me, but it smelled worse that Brian Ballard's feet during Hell Week back in the old Lambda Chi Alpha days. Kudos to my Outbackers for finally getting me. Oh yeah, the lard underneath my door handles on the Accord was a nice touch. Thanks! On a good note, before my Outbackers doused me, we had cake (3 of them, actually) and ice cream, and they all pitched in to get me a $150.00 Gift Card from Best Buy. Not too shabby!

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